Monthly Archives: September 2013

Great Grandma

Great Grandma loves baby Joyce. After her first visit at the hospital, she forgot that she got to hold the baby and then was very upset she could not remember. Mom and Dad strategically gifted a baby frame with a baby photo of Jo in it. Great Grandma treated it like winning the lotto.

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iPhone and Other Technical Difficulties

My iPhone (and a large number of the cuter Blueberry Jo picts) has kicked the bucket. Apparently, iPhones don’t operate very long once you shatter the back. I’m creating this site to share picts and am bummed that I can’t post the picts that I’ve been texting all of you — those were my faves.

I set this site up pretty fast and it still needs some love. The images need to be optimized (and rotated) prior to uploading. Also, expect to see a customized theme in the future. It will likely feature blueberries. Surprising, I know.

In the meantime, ENJOY!


Announcing “Blueberry Jo”, Joyce Alice Crisler

Born September 5, 2013 and weighing in at 7lb 10oz, little Jo is one watermelon sized blueberry. Mom was unexpectedly induced Wednesday, September 4th after Joyce failed two Non Stress tests: one at the doctor’s, one at the hospital. Water broke at the hospital at 2:45am in the morning and Mom was finally able to get an epidural.

We expected the birth to take place Thursday afternoon as Mom was barely dilating. Jo had other plans and by 6am Thursday morning, she was already 9cm. Jo joined us at 8:47am. Her cord was wrapped around her twice: around her body and around her neck. She is just fine, but now we know why she failed her tests.

Although originally hesitant about joining Mom during delivery, Dad participated in helping Mom push AND cut the umbilical cord. He took lots of “tasteful” pictures.


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